BROOKLYN BOOK FESTIVAL ~ CHILDREN’S DAY ~ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2023!~ B.E.EXON will be reading Moxie and the Kite-Bite’n Ash from 2 to 3 P.M. at the Austin Macauley Tent ~(There’s a rumor in the air — Arf- Arf may be there, too!)
2. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 – B.E. EXON will participate in the LOCAL AUTHOR EVENT at the HELEN KATE FURNESS LIBRARY.From 10A.M. to 1P.M., B.E Exon will be selling and signing her debut book, Moxie and The Kite-Bite’n Ash!Library Address: 100 North Providence Road, Wallingford, PA 19086The Local Author Event will be held on the front lawn. In case of bad weather, it will be held inside the library auditorium.3. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2022 – B.E.EXON will participate in the GLADWYNE LIBRARY FREE LIBRARY “FALL FAMILY FUN FEST!” Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators is setting up a table for local author/iluustrators to sell their books. Get more info on the library’s website.
——————————————————————-The Helen Kate Furness Library 120th Anniversary Event, Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 1:00P.M.
Irish / Mayo Culture Night 2021
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Here’s ARF-ARF sitting in his “Tighe Chair” that he calls his Irish Throne, waiting to hear the
Moxie Story for the 100th time!!! He’s holding the Magic Wand made by Saoirse, and beside him,
is a Mini-Arf, made by Cara! Arf feels extremely GRATEFUL and very LOVED
Irish / Mayo Culture Night Part 2
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B.E. Exon presents Moxie and the Kite-Bite’n Ash at SCOIL NAOMH BRÍD [St. Brigid’s National School), Ballycastle, County Mayo, IE
The author / illustrator visited the classrooms of all three sections during her full day visit! Wonderful experience for BEE and Arf-Arf!
Friday, September 24, 2021
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HAL ~ From Arizona loves MOXIE!
B.E.E. and ARF are finally ready to MOXIE ON! The world is opening up a bit more, especially in the Republic of Ireland! Our first public appearance / presentation will be in BALLYCASTLE, COUNTY MAYO, IRELAND for IRISH CULTURE NIGHT! The nation wide event night is September 17, 2021! Arf and I will be honored to take part at the beautiful BALLINGLEN MUSEUM OF ART, beginning at 5 P.M.. I will be sharing the evening with the extraordinary Stoney Road Press Artists, Dublin. The Stoney Road Press has a wonderful exhibition on display in the museum through October!
Managing Director
The Ballinglen Arts Foundation
Main Street
Co Mayo F26 X5N3
I am thrilled to be a part of the grand “RE-OPENING” of this incredible country and celebrate its abundant cultural richness – the IRISH MOXIE SPIRIT! Thank you to Una Forde, Nuala Clark and everyone at the Ballinglen Art Foundation.
(Archived) :
• SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2020:
B.E Exon & Arf-Arf’s first public Presentation & Book Signing!
Swarthmore College Campus & Community Book Store, Swarthmore, PA, at 1P.M.
The “Story Reading Presentation” is approx. 40 minutes, followed by the Book Signing
In the mean time, stay connected with BEE and ARF by clicking the VISIT US button! We hope to bring a smile to you during these strange times…. Stay safe and be well, dear friends.
Love Ya LOTS! ~ BEE