J.D. Reading Tree


B.E. Exon’s father, Jack Donald Embrey “J.D.,” like to read books – lots and lots of good books! Books were piled high, in tall stacks, all around his reading chair – like a Reading Forest! He especially enjoyed old, classic stories and the art of storytelling. Once J.D. would finish a classic tale, he would retell the wondrous story to his daughter, Bren, in his own words – usually with great animated gestures!

J.D. said that he knew when he really liked a story, because he relished retelling it to others and rereading it, again and again.

As Bren grew up, and began writing her own stories, she would ask J.D. to read her words – and hopefully, approve of her efforts! It was quite exciting when her Dad enjoyed the original story and gave his “Smiling Seal of APPROVAL” – the green light, that told Bren that it was time to share the tale with others!

One very memorable day, only a few years ago, old J.D. was sitting in his Reading Forest and he asked his daughter to please bring him his gold fountain pen from the writing desk upstairs. J.D. had his valuable gold pen on this desk as long as Brenda could remember. In fact, she was told, from a young age, that she should never play with it, and that she may only touch it with his permission. Now, J.D. was asking HER to touch it, and bring it to him, please!

Bren held her breath and carefully carried the exquisite, gold object to her father. When she tried to hand her Dad his cherished writing tool, from long ago and far away, her father refused the pen…,warmly grinned, and said, “Today, I am giving my gold pen to you, Brenda Embrey Exon. I want you, my dear girl, to sign your first Author’s Contract with this pen. One day, you WILL publish your first book – the first of many, to be sure. I want to be there with you, at that milestone moment in your life – via this pen.”

Oh my!!! Tears of joy and gratitude streamed down her face as she hugged her amazingly, thoughtful father. The tears flowed, not only because of the beautiful pen, now hers, but even more special, was the heartfelt show of confidence in her ability to tell stories! J.D. believed in her. A great love was felt that day and forever more.

JANUARY 7, 2019, Brenda Embrey Exon [B.E. Exon] signed her FIRST Publishing Contract, with Austin Macauley Publishers, NYC, and she proudly used Jack Donald Embrey’s gold fountain pen to write her signature…. Her remarkable father was with her in the moment, even though J.D. had passed, sadly, on July 27, 2018 – only a few months prior to his youngest daughter, finally, becoming a published author/illustrator.

Upon his passing, the new author, B.E. Exon, was inspired to draw her father’s likeness into J.D. READING TREE… the wisest tree in the Reading Forest! B.E.E. likes to think of her Dad as this fine, enchanted tree; a tree that took root in her heart as a constant source of encouragement, always. With each new story she completes, B.E. Exon looks to J.D. Reading Tree, and to the many “Reading Trees” out there, children and adults alike, to seek a “Smiling Seal of Approval!”

Yes! J.D Embrey’s vibrant spirit remains with his daughter, most vividly, through the touch of his precious gold pen, through the look in the Reading Tree’s “eyes and smile,” …. and in the smiling faces of EVERY beautiful person B.E. Exon meets – who have enjoyed reading and hearing her tell a magical story or two….